The latest and greatest (insert piece of gear, weapon, or equipment here), isn’t what makes you a successful hunter. It is your knowledge, your skill, your physical fitness, your drive and your instincts. We all want to be the best hunter and outdoors person we can be, but many of us (me included) overlook one of the best resources on the internet to become better at our craft…YouTube! Search YouTube Hunting + Gear/Elk/Gutting etc and you will find a multitude of videos with information, advice, tactics, and more to help you become a better hunter.
Don’t get me wrong, there is no substitute for time in the field, you can’t just sit at home watching YouTube Hunting videos and instantly become a better hunter. But, what you can do is gain tons of valuable knowledge, which when used in the field, will quickly become a skill…and skill is what makes you a better hunter.
YouTube isn’t just for funny videos, train wrecks and entertainment. YouTube Hunting videos provide a wealth of information and resources on all kinds of topics that can help you become smarter and more successful as a hunter, as well as help you find and purchase the right gear, improve your shooting skills and so much more.
So to help you get started here is a list of topics to consider researching on YouTube as well as some videos I came across in the process.
YouTube Your Way to Being a Better Hunter – YouTube Hunting Videos
YouTube Hunting Research Topics:
- How to become a better shot (rifle or archery)
- How to scout for – elk, deer, bears, etc
- How to use OnX Maps
- How to use Google Earth to find new hunting areas
- How to call – elk, turkeys, predators, waterfowl
- How to set up for elk hunting
- How to set up a decoy spread
- How to blood trail an animal
- How to field dress an animal using the gutless method
- How to properly load your back pack
- How to cape your animal for a shoulder mount vs full mount
- How to cape a bear for a mount versus a rug
- Best Gear for Backcountry Hunting
- How to remove the skull using just your knife
- How to travel with your firearm
- and many many more great topics are available
As you can see, the number of topics that have video’s available on YouTube are almost endless. So let someone else’s years of hard work, skill and knowledge help you become a better hunter. Here are some videos that I personally like.
Well I hope this inspires you to make the most of your free time and off season to become a better hunter while enjoying the comforts of your living room. It is truly mind blowing how much information is available on YouTube to help us all become more proficient hunters. Thank you to all of the folks who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with the rest of us by way of their videos.
If you have any questions on hunting, gear, trips etc please feel free to email me Hunt Hard, Hunt Safe and Make Memories.