Discounted Spring Brown Bear Hunt available $14k 1×1 (normally $20K) or 2×1 for $10K per person with a $4k harvest fee. Hunt dates are May 10-25, prime hunt dates. I have personally been on this hunt and sent a number of clients on it as well and to date they have been 100% shot opportunity. Call 509-679-0225 if interested
Alaska spring Brown Bear hunts are always an adventure, between the weather, the bears and the terrain you never know what you are going to get. But, if you are focused on pursuing the largest Brown Bears, a spring hunt is a great option.
Spring Brown Bear hunts are special, as it is the first opportunity of the year for most of us to pursue big game at a time when nature is exploding with new life. However, you need to be ready for a challenge as Brown Bear hunting is both a mental and physical challenge as it requires gobs of patience paired with the ability to give everything you’ve got when it is go time.

Although Coastal Brown Bears and Grizzlies are the same species, Coastal Brown Bears along with the Kodiak Brown Bear are much larger. An old mature boar Brown Bear can reach up to 1,600lbs. Just imagine what 1,600lbs of pissed off Brown Bear look like charging straight at you. Gulp!

Spring Brown Bear or Fall?
This is always a debate, as there are pro’s and con’s for both. In my opinion Spring tends to be a little more weather dependent and if it warms up too quickly the big Brown Bear boars start rubbing. Yet, when the weather cooperates Spring Brown Bear hunts are something special as you cruise the shoreline and grass flats along the coastline looking for a hungry bear. Or in some cases you will find yourself on snowmachines and snowshoes pursuing a big Brown Bear back up in the valley’s as he emerges from his den.
Its hard to put into words, what it is about a Spring Brown Bear hunt that makes it unique, I don’t know if its just because you are coming out of a long winter, if its the new growth, or maybe the rare days of sunshine that are etched into your memory for a lifetime.
Fall hunts are also a great option, especially when hunting in October and November as the Brown Bears have amazing hides at this time and they are out feeding most of the day as they get ready for winter. The downside to fall hunts is that there is so much food that the bears tend to be a little more dispersed in some areas, unless you are hunting along a river system with a strong salmon run, in which case you may have one of those magical experiences where you get to see 3,4 or even more bears along a stretch of river fishing like it is going out of style. The other benefit of a number of fall hunts is that you can also hunt other species.

Honestly, I love Spring Brown Bear hunts because food sources tend to be limited so you can be more focused on where you hunt. If you find good green grass flats, winter kill carcass or if you are really lucky a dead whale, you know the odds are in your favor that a good Brown Bear is going to show up. As you get later into May the Brown Bears start to rut, which further plays into your favor as the big Boars will be on the prowl looking for a receptive sow.
No matter which hunt you choose to do, you need to be in the best shape you can, as Brown Bears tend to live in some nasty terrain, be it the thick Alders in the low country, the hummock filled tundra that’s like walking on a waterbed filled with bowling balls, or up on the steep and rugged faces of the coastal mountains. In Alaska there is never an easy way to get anywhere fast.
Recommended Weapons:
Most Outfitters prefer you to rifle hunt with something in the .338 to .375 range, however a well placed shot from a .300 mag will do the trick. As for archery hunters, make sure to use a heavier arrow set up with a solid fixed blade broadhead. I would recommend you shoot to have an arrow over 600 grains. Radical Archery Designs has some great fixed blade broadheads that will take a pounding and don’t cost an arm and a leg.
Whichever hunt you choose, I have a selection of world class Alaska Brown Bear Outfitters who will make sure your Brown Bear hunt is the best it can be. See more hunts here.
Live life wide open, so write the check and lets go hunting!
You can contact me at shad@sashunts.com or 509.679.0225,
We offer high quality sporting adventures around the globe, including Antelope, Brown Bear, Caribou, Grizzly Bear, Moose, Sheep, Elk, Deer, Stag, Ibex, Buffalo, African Plains Game, Russian Moose and Brown Bear, and so much more. Contact us to set up your next dream trip.
Typical Spring Bear Camp Author with huge wolf Massive Spring Brown Bear Alaska Peninsula Spring Brown Bear 10′ Alaska Spring Brown Bear Brown Bear taken near his den Brown Bear in the Snow Views don’t get much better than this Big Brown Bear in the grass flats Happy Huntresses with a great bear Typical Brown Bear Country Brown Bear Hunters best friend Epic Coastal Brown Bear Sport Glassing for Coastal Spring Brown Bears