The prices I offer on these Vancouver Island Roosevelt Elk and Black Bear hunts are the exact same as what you would pay if you book direct with the outfitter
Do you dream of huge black bears? If so a Vancouver Island “Black Bear” hunt needs to be on your list. Vancouver Island black bears are consistently larger than most mainland bears as they experience a mild climate, incredible food sources and the cover and controlled hunting to allow them to reach massive proportions.
After having personally hunted Vancouver Island Black Bears a couple of times and then seeing the Roosevelt Elk my dad took, I was convinced that these hunts are something everyone should try to experience at least once in their life. This is why I love to book hunts on Vancouver Island for both giant Island Black Bears as well as the massive Roosevelt Elk that call this island home. They are fun, exciting and high success hunts with a great outfitter.

Vancouver Island is truly massive. When you get there, if you are anything like me, you will find it difficult to believe that its an island. It is a steep, rugged and wild place. It truly has everything from farmland to massive forests and sub alpine. Vancouver Island has possibly the mildest climate in Canada and averages 70 to 80 degrees in summer and 32 degrees in winter. This makes for great hunting weather as both Spring and Fall are tough to beat.
Vancouver Island was built by the logging industry, as a result of all the logging, the country is crisscrossed with logging roads and clear cuts. When you combine this with rich and abundant food sources like berries and salmon, its no wonder it grows lots of massive bears. It is not uncommon to see 10-15 bears a day as you roam the logging roads and glass the clear cuts. The other benefit of all the logging is open space and lots of feed for Roosevelt Elk to grow and thrive.
Not quite big enough Why I love Black Bears on Vancouver Island What a view
Both the Vancouver Island Black Bear and Roosevelt Elk Hunts are typically done
by 4WD vehicles, to get to locations where you can either glass, or utilize the
logging roads to slowly still hunt your way in and out of areas. You will be blown
away by the amount of scat, tracks and snapped off trees you will come across
while on your spring Black Bear hunt. The elk tend to be a little more elusive
and require pre-scouting and glassing to be successful. If you are an archery
hunter, this country provides lots of terrain and cover to move in close, and if
elk hunting you get to take advantage of calling during the rut.
On the Spring Black Bear hunts, the best time to go is usually mid May to mid June, as the bears are out and actively feeding, the weather is generally good and as you get closer to June the breeding season is in full swing, so the big boars are on the move looking for receptive sows. One of the most entertaining ways to hunt, is to still hunt along older logging roads that are greened up with clover and grass, as you honestly never know what will be around the corner as these bears love feeding along these roads.
Vancouver Island Black Bear hunts are not overly physical, but the better shape you show up in, the better your odds of being able to go after the monster bruin of your dreams, no matter where you spot him.
Email shad@sashunts.com to plan your Vancouver Island Black Bear adventure.

Vancouver Island consistently produces some of the largest Roosevelt Elk in the
world. My dad wass fortunate to experience one of these hunts a number of years
ago and took a bull that netted 364. These hunts are not cheap, but if you have
the budget to do them, you will not be disappointed as they are worth every
Roosevelt Elk don’t
tend to put on the tine and beam length that Rocky Mountain Elk do, but they
make up for it with mass and their distinctive crowns. You should expect to be
pursuing mature bulls that will score anywhere from 320-360 with larger taken
every year. Roosevelt Elk hunts are conducted via 4wd vehicles and on foot. If
archery hunting or on an early rifle hunt, the bulls should still be bugling,
however on average Roosevelt Elk are not as vocal as Rocky Mountain Elk, but if
you get inside their comfort zone, the bulls will be every bit as aggressive.
Expect to do a lot of glassing or sitting in wait for an ambush if the
Outfitter has a good bull patterned on feed.
This guy is waiting for you!
Vancouver Island Roosevelt Elk Hunts are not necessarily as physical as many hunts in the Western U.S and Canada, but this is big and steep country and there are no guarantees that the bull of your dreams will be found in a farmer’s field or an easy to access clear cut, so plan as if you are going on a backcountry elk hunt at 10,000ft in Colorado, then no matter where you need to go to pursue the bull of your dreams you will be ready.
There are a very limited number of tags issued each year on Vancouver Island, so if you want to experience a truly one of a kind Roosevelt Elk hunt get in touch with me sooner than later, as we are generally booking at least a year out.
LODGING & FOOD: You will stay in a very nice house in Lake Cowichan on these hunts. The house is located right on the river, has super comfortable beds, nice bathrooms and the chef doesn’t hold anything back when it comes to getting you fed. The Outfitter and his team do everything they can to show you a first class hunt.
TRAVEL: If you are coming from the Pacific Northwest drive, it gives you an opportunity to enjoy an amazing ferry ride, take in the sights, and it makes it easy to bring your trophy and your meat home. Another fun option, is to take a Kenmore Air Float Plane Flight, again it provides for amazing views and cuts a few hours off your travel time. If you are coming from pretty much anywhere else, you will need to plan on flying to Vancouver and clearing customs, then you will take a regional flight from Vancouver to Nanaimo where the Outfitter will meet up with you and drive you to the Lodge in Lake Cowichan.
WEATHER: Early Spring bear expect temperature in the 40 to 60 degree range as you get nearer to June the temps can climb into the 70s. Bring good raingear as this is an Island that experiences a fair amount of rain. September Bear and Elk Hunts – temperatures will range from the 40s-70s.
Vancouver Island Black Bear Hunt:
$8310 per person all inclusive, 2nd Bear $4500
5 day hunts (M-F) guided 1×1, can take up to 4 hunters at a time.
Weapons: Rifle or bow
Dates April 15 to June 15
ARCHERY ROOSEVELT ELK: $20,850 + $10,000 harvest fee
Archery – 320+ bulls
10 Day hunt,
1X1 guiding,
September .
Rifle – 320+ bulls
10 day hunt
1×1 guiding